Healthcare Professionals

Dr. Mafazi

Dermal filler (Advanced)

Category :

13.800.000 IRT

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Dr. Shahram Mafazi


2 days

Hands-On Training

4 models

course details

Course Title : Dermal filler (Advanced)

Category : Hands-on training

⏳  Duration: 2 days

📍  Cost: 11.800.000 IRT

📲  +98 911 207 9755

Theoretical foundations
1- clinical anatomy (Neurovascular)
6- Temporal Reshape
2- local anesthesia in filler injection
7- Infraorbital (V Deformity) Reshape
3- Forehead & Glabella Reshape
8- Cheek Reshape (advanced method)
4- Eyebrow Elevation
9- Complications and Management
5- A Frame Deformity Reshape
10- Post-Op
1) Layers Of Tissues
2) Retaining Ligaments
1) Layers Of Tissues
2) Retaining Ligaments
1) Layers Of Tissues
2) Retaining Ligaments
1) Layers Of Tissues
2) Retaining Ligaments
1) Layers Of Tissues
2) Retaining Ligaments